send link to app


4.6 ( 7456 ratings )
Производительность Утилиты
Разработчик Yunze Zhao

Storalink is more than a link storage solution; it is a commitment to efficiency and collaboration. Our mission is to empower people to easily organize, access, and share media links. Join us on the journey to redefine how digital content is managed and exchanged.

Imagine browsing a platform and finding a resource you wanted to save for later or something to refer back to. Well, maybe two or three, even four links. Simple! Secure them on the platform using its save function.

However, what if you have links from other platforms? If you save those resources on those platforms, you will have several places where you have stored those links. What if you wanted to view one of those saved links? And because you have so many places where you saved resources, you say: “Where did I put that thing?”

Say no more! Storalink is here!

Current Key Features:
Create and edit links
Create and edit folders
Pin important folders
Save links to Storalink using other platforms’ external sharing functions
Auto-fetch and auto-fill link metadata and information
Open stored links in the default browser

Have questions or suggestions? Email the development team at Storalink using the email [email protected]